Dynamic Warm-up

A proper warm-up is essential for both injury prevention and physical output.  Virtual Kicking’s custom warm-up is designed for specialists to complete before any physical activity.  “How we do anything is how we do everything.” Never skip or shorten a warm-up.

Straight Leg Run

Combo: Spider-Twist-Toe Touch

Side Shuffle w/ Overhead Arm Swing

Alternating Superman

Combo: Quad Pull - Walking Scoop

Lung w/ Twist

Lying Straight Leg Kick

Knee Huge

Standing Crossover & Sit

Combo: Hip Flexor-Quad Pull

A Skip

High Knee Karaoke

A Skip Jump


Rotational Leg Swing

Stationary Leg Swing

Scorpion Foot to Hand

Crossover Windshield Wipers

Combo: Knee Drive Front-Lateral

Backwards Run