This online platform is specifically designed for specialists who want to take their abilities to the next level.  Kickers and punters will have access to professional coaching with a full video library of techniques and drills--all of which is accessible from any computer, tablet, or smartphone from virtually anywhere.  The platform includes a 12-week program for both in-season and off-season training with strength, explosive, flexibility, recovery, and on-field practice plans. Video analysis is also available for individual instruction to each user regardless of where you live.  Athletes, parents, and coaches no longer have to watch endless youtube videos to learn how to kick and punt. Everything you need is right here on this platform!

Athletes who follow this simple and effective plan will see major results in just a few weeks!


  • Bigger kick-offs

  • Higher/longer punts

  • Accurate field goals

  • Improved overall technique

  • Convenience/Extremely accessible

  • Proven results

  • Affordable


Professional Coaching

VK is design by professional coaches specifically for specialists with a desire to improve their skills.


Individualized Instruction

VK provides film analysis for individual feedback to better target technique development and guided future practice plans to maximize potential growth.



Email  from a high school athlete: “Without Desi, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to kick at the next level. He has helped me not only become a better kicker, but a better person too. The passion and will to teach that Desi brings every Sunday is unlike any other training I have attended. Desi has provided me with drills to work on form that I still use today. Competing every Sunday with the best kickers in the area pushed me to perform to my best ability. Desi Cullen’s DMV training has provided me with skills and friends that I will carry on for the rest of my life..” 

Camden Price
​HS: Archbishop Spalding 
College:  University of Miami (FL)


Email from a high school athlete’s parent: “Once Brian started working with Desi, he learned that kicking and punting have very specific techniques that vastly improve accuracy and distance. I have seen measurable advancements in Brian’s skills and achievements. There aren’t many coaches who have the knowledge, ability to teach, and passion that Desi brings to his kickers.”

Brian Johnson
​HS: Gonzaga
College: Virginia Tech


​Colton Spangler
HS: Chesapeake HS
College: Maryland

Email from parent: I would emphatically recommend specialist training with Coach Desi Cullen.  My son came to Desi after his 10th grade season with raw ability, but after just a few sessions, the results were quite remarkable.  Equally impressive is the energy, enthusiasm, and positive outlook that Desi brings to practice each week.  Desi’s DMV small group training team built a great camaraderie, and allowed my son to compete and refine his skills on a regular basis with some of the best specialists in the area.  Desi helped motivate my son to improve each and every week, and that improvement instilled tremendous confidence in my son, both on and off the field.
Desi was also there step by step to help us navigate the recruiting process, which can be difficult, confusing, and unpredictable.  He provided honest feedback and clear expectations, as well as going above and beyond to follow up with quite a few coaches on my son’s behalf.  We can’t thank you enough Coach Desi for all of your mentoring and support!

Email from college athlete: "For almost two years now, I have had the privilege to be coached by Desi Cullen while also creating a lasting friendship. I first got to know Desi when I was a freshman at Towson University, which is a little outside of Baltimore. Through his constant dedication, Desi helped transform not only the kickers including myself, but also the punters and long snappers. Over the summer of 2015, I transferred to the University of Maryland where Desi and I still stayed in close contact and have since been working together to perfect my craft of kicking.  I am very lucky to have him as my coach but more importantly as a good friend."

Danny Sutton
HS: New Hope PA
College: Maryland
Graduate (MBA): New Mexico


Email from a high school athlete: Desi Cullen goes beyond just teaching the fundamentals and techniques. He’s a man whose energetic personality brings out the best in everyone he works with, both mentally and physically. He is a friend, mentor, and role model.  Unlike the majority of coaches who teach the same way to everyone, Coach Desi is an expert in individualized instruction and is obsessed with the little things that make or break a  successful kicker which is tremendous.  If you are coached by Coach Desi, you will see results!

​Rafael Checa
​HS: St. John's
College: Penn State

Email from a high school athlete:  "I’ve been kicking with Coach Desi since I was in 8th grade.  Since then I learned so many things to perfect the game in kicking. Coach Desi puts his life into teaching his kids how to become not only a great specialist, but a great person. Desi’s program has taught me very important life lessons that reflect how I’ve performed both on and off the field. If your son’s dream is to be a college specialist, I highly recommend joining Coach Desi’s program."

​Josh Thomas
​HS: C.D. Hylton
College: JMU


Email from a college athlete’s parent: “Under Desi’s coaching, Ryan learned discipline and kicker specific workouts which resulted in more distance and hang-time on his punts. Desi also helped with field goals and kickoffs, which included Ryan kicking a school record 54-yard field goal. With Desi’s help, Ryan was offered several scholarships and chose Lafayette College where he became the starting punter his freshman season.”

​Ryan Forrester
HS: Gonzaga
College: Lafayette Univ.

Email from a high school athlete: 
Last year, I started to become more serious about kicking and knew I needed more professional training.  I’m from Philly and saw Coach Desi had group sessions in the DC area.   Although it was a 2 hour drive there and back I soon realized that it was worth it.   Coach Desi helped me improve in my technique and challenged me to become better every training session.   Desi helped me to get offers from top D1 programs and I ended up committing to South Carolina. I highly recommend the weekly training sessions in D.C.

​Brandon Chiazza
HS: Malvern Prep (PA)
College: South Carolina


Email from a high school athlete:  "I started training with Coach Cullen in the spring of my Sophomore year at Towson. I saw the most dramatic improvement in punting during and following that spring. The tools Coach Cullen gave to me, like he does to all of the specialists he trains, allowed me to go from an average Colonial Athletic Association punter to a second team all American in just  2 seasons working with him. I highly recommend him to every specialist looking to improve. "

Jake Ryder
​HS: Sherwood HS 
College: Towson


​Jeff Kordenbrock
​HS: Calvert Hall
College: Lafayette Univ.

Email from a college athlete:  “I first started going to see Coach Desi  in D.C. right after my senior season before going into college.  I have used a few other kicking services throughout high school, but I never truly got a one on one experience with the coaches as I felt like they just wanted my money.  However, Desi’s training is different and one of a kind as he truly cares about me and the other students in the small group training sessions.  Desi has done an outstanding job in preparing me for pressure situations that I soon faced in my freshman year at Lafayette College.  Every week I look forward to going out to D.C. and training with a variety of enthusiastic and talented kickers and punters as well as a highly energized and helpful coach."

Gavin Rowley
​HS: Loyola BlakefieldCollege: Bryant Univ.

Email from a high school athlete’s parent:  “I believe right from the start Desi saw my son’s  potential and saw he could also be a good punter, even though he never punted in the past and did not intend on doing so in the future. This insight truly served him well.  As a result, he had an outstanding season both kicking and punting.  He was selected first team All-MIAA Conference, Loyola's special teams player of the year, All-State honorable mention, and was invited to the Big 33 All-Star Game tryout. The best honor came with being recruited and Gavin accepting a D1 football kicking scholarship to Bryant University. Your workouts, drills, and confidence building is what gave Gavin that extra boost and helped him reach his full potential.  We would happily recommend your expertise to any kicker wanting to get better.  We will continue to have Gavin work with you until he heads off to kick for Bryant University.”


Email from a college athlete’s parent:  “Desi is more than just an excellent coach. He is also a great role model. Having succeeded at the D1 level himself, Desi exemplifies the passion, dedication, and hard work that are essential to success.  And he just happens to be a great guy.  Bottom line: If you're serious about wanting to improve as a kicker or punter, you owe it to yourself to work with Desi.  You'll be glad you did.  I know my son is.”

​Joseph Giglio
HS: St. John’s
College: Marist Univ

Coach Desi Cullen
“Providing professional kicking, punting, and long snapping instruction to the DMV
(Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia) area.”

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