Welcome to Virtual Kicking!


This online platform is specifically designed for specialists who want to take their abilities to the next level.  Kickers and punters will have access to professional coaching with a full video library of techniques and drills--all of which is accessible from any computer, tablet, or smartphone from virtually anywhere.  The platform includes a 12-week program for both in-season and off-season training with strength, explosive, flexibility, recovery, and on-field practice plans. Video analysis is also available for individual instruction to each user regardless of where you live.  Athletes, parents, and coaches no longer have to watch endless youtube videos to learn how to kick and punt. Everything you need is right here on this platform!

Athletes who follow this simple and effective plan will see major results in just a few weeks!


  • Bigger kick-offs

  • Higher/longer punts

  • Accurate field goals

  • Improved overall technique

  • Convenience/Extremely accessible

  • Proven results

  • Affordable

Membership Plans

3 options

1 Subscription ($99)

This package is for any specialist who wants to learn how to be a kicker but with little to no experience kicking a football.  If you have no experience, or you have played soccer or rugby but want to learn how to properly kick a football, this is the plan for you!  This plan includes instructional videos on “how to kick a football,” access to technique video library, 1 practice plan, and 1 flexibility plan

3 Subscription ($499)

This package is for specialists at any level including high school, college, or professional kickers/punters who want to take their abilities to the next level.  This plan includes access to all video libraries (technique, drills, explosive, flexibility, core, strength, dynamic warm-up, recovery), 12 week in-season training plan, 12-week off-season training plan, 10 practice plans, 2 flexibility plans, and 2 strength plans, and samples of film study

5 Subscription ($499 + monthly charge of $100 for 12 months)

Same access of 3 Star Subscription plus individual film analysis twice a month using the “Coach Now” app, specialists will be able to upload film and individualized instruction will be provided on the 1st and 15th of every month.  Private messaging, technique analysis, and targeted drills for improvement will be available.

1 Package Description-

This package is for anyone who has a desire to learn how to become a kicker, but has no experience kicking a football.  This is the basic plan geared toward people from other sports  

(soccer, Rugby, etc) wanting to crossover into football by wa of learning to become a kicker.  

This plan includes; Instructional Video-"How to become a kicker in American Football", Access to Technique video Library, 1 Practice Plan (Specific drills to preform/ # of reps/Video access for each),  1 Practice Plan (Specific drills to preform/ # of reps/Video access for each), 1 Flexibility Plan (Specific stretches to preform//Video access for each)

3 Package Description-

This package is for all experience levels of Kicking and Punting a football.  This package should be utilized by all High school, college, and Pro level specialist.  Designed to take specialists to the next level in their ability.

This package includes:

  • Access to ALL video libraries(Technique, Drills, Strength, Explosive, Flexibility, Mental, Nutrition)

  • 12 Week Training Plan- In-season 

  • 12 Week Training Plan- off-season

  • 10 Practice Plans (Kickers and Punters)

  • 2 Flexibility Plans

  • 2 Strength Plans

  • Pro Film Analysis Access